Home All Upcoming Events - Barony of Lions Gate Baroness’s Inspirational Tournament, Barony of Lions Gate

Baroness’s Inspirational Tournament, Barony of Lions Gate

Baron Cyneric and Baroness Arianna invite you to join them to participate in tournaments, games and contests, to meet new friends and old, and to witness the Baroness recognize those that inspire her.
Once again as harvest ends, we return to the lights of Shannon Hall in the lands of Lions Gate, where we will hold a our annual tournaments: the Unbelted Heavy Tourney (prize tourney, so please bring a prize for the table), Rapier Tourney, Gerhard’s Riposte and the Barony’s Cut and Thrust Champions Tourney.
There will be Arts and Sciences activities, and University of Tir Righ classes.
Merchants are encouraged, welcomed and appreciated.

Event fee is $25.00. There will be a $5.00 discount for SCA members. All persons 0-18 are free.

**Baroness’ Inspirational Tournament Preregistration is now open to all participants and will close on November 17th at midnight. All gentles MUST be pre registered to attend.**

This is the link to preregister.


There will be two gates at Baroness’ Inspirational Tournament.

The first gate will be our Covid screening table. All those attending from the age of 12 and up MUST be double vaccinated and have their BC vaccine card and ID.

The second gate will be our usual event admission gate.

The Schedule!!

***Site opens for event staff and merchants at 8:00am***

9:00am Site Opens
9:30am Opening Court
10:00am TUTR registration begins
11:00am TUTR classes begin
10:00am Rapier armour inspection begins
10:30am Rapier Tournament begins (Alice McKay building)
Immediately following the rapier tournament:
Gerhard’s Riposte Tournament
12:00am Heavy armour inspection begins
12:30pm Armoured Tournament begins (Alice McKay building)
1:00pm Afternoon TUTR classes begin
2:00pm Cut & Thrust (Alice McKay building)
4:00 Baronial Court
6:30pm Picnic Feast and Bardic
9:00pm Clean-up
10:00pm Site closes


Although the SCA complies with all applicable laws to ensure the health and safety of our event participants, we cannot eliminate the risk of exposure to infectious diseases during in-person events. By participating in the in-person events of the SCA, you acknowledge and accept the potential risks. You agree to take any additional steps to protect your own health and safety and those under your control as you believe to be necessary

This event is held and managed by Barony of Lions Gate, a branch of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. and is considered the official presence of this group here. Questions regarding its content should be directed to LionsGate.Seneschal@tirrigh.org or to ionsgate.socialmedia@tirrigh.org.
Any discrepancies between the electronic version or any information and the printed version that is available from the originating office will be decided in favour of the printed version.

The event is finished.


Nov 20 2021


9:00 am - 8:00 pm

Local Time

  • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Date: Nov 20 2021
  • Time: 12:00 pm - 11:00 pm


Cloverdale Fairgrounds – Alice McKay Building and Shannon Ha 6050A - 176th Street Surrey, BC V3S 4E7
Cloverdale Fairgrounds – Alice McKay Building and Shannon Ha 6050A - 176th Street Surrey, BC V3S 4E7