Lions Den 30- Beginner costuming for Anybody and Every Body
Class by: Mistress Desiree Aurelia Chiarestella, OP
A brief look at the clothing through our general SCA time period. This will be a broad overview and introduction so you can dress in a period style while you learn and discover what truly speaks to your heart!
This event is held and managed by Barony of Lions Gate, a branch of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. and is considered the official presence of this group here. Questions regarding its content should be directed to LionsGate.Seneschal@tirrigh.org or to socialmedia@antir.org. Any discrepancies between the electronic version or any information and the printed version that is available from the originating office will be decided in favour of the printed version.
Please note that, by participating, you are agreeing to be
videotaped and granting permission to have the video posted to SCA Social Media Channels.
- Recordings Available Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IBvT52-PVdw