Lions Den VI – Bizarre Art and Naughty Marginalia
Join Pani Jadwiga Radomyskowa from the Thornwold Scriptorium as they teach us about marginalia!
Marginalia is one of the most recognizable features of medieval
manuscripts, and it ranges from the symbolic to the downright
bizarre. We will be looking at marginalia that is a little twisted,
a little weird and naughty. We will discuss why these images
were placed in beautiful manuscripts and even in holy books! We will cover Awful Art, Snails and Satire, and work that is Not Safe for the Current Middle Ages!
This presentation will feature art of people and creatures in
compromising poses, interactions and states of dress, so may
not be appropriate for children.
Please note that, by participating, you are agreeing to be recorded and grant permission to have the recording posted to SCA Social Media Channels.
This is just in time for Christmas card season!