Lions Gate Champions – Barony of Lions Gate
A long time ago,
in a Barony far far away….
The wild LOAT endlessly terrorized the good people of Lions Gate.
The brave CYNERIC and ARIANNA, Guardians of Peace and Justice,
assembled Their CHAMPIONS to bring balance back
to the radiant CAPITAL of An Tir.
Knights of the Shield, and Warriors of the Blade,
Guardians of the Bolt, and Defenders of the Axe
All are SUMMONED to join us on the hallowed
May the Fourth
To decide which CHAMPIONS shall carry the banner of Lions Gate
Please join the Baron and Baroness of Lions Gate, Cyneric and Arianna, as they hold tournaments to determine the future Champions of Lions Gate in the fields of Heavy Armour Combat, Rapier Combat, Target Archery and Target Thrown-Weapons.
Lions Gate “Galactic Champions” will be held on May 4th, 2024 at Warner Loat Park in Burnaby, BC.
Beyond the four primary championship tournaments, all with themed surprises and goodies, we will be hosting a variety of activities including: Paint-your-own illuminated bookmarks, Stormtrooper Shoots, Nerf Combat of Sword and Bolt, Lightsaber Combat Demonstrations, and thematic delights aplenty!
Navi-computer Co-ordinates:
Warner Loat Park – 4252 Piper Ave, Burnaby BC
Time-Stamp: 0900 – 1800
Entry Requirements:
$20.00 Imperial citizens (General Population)
$10.00 Rebel agents (SCA Members)
Youth and children 0-18 inclusive are free!
Holo-Net Contacts:
Caemgen mac Garbith ui Andrais (courtier.caemgen@gmail.com)
Sorcha inghean Triein (medievalicious@gmail.com)