SYGCL Trials aka “The Trials”
..Forty years…Forty years is a long time, in some scales, and a short time in others. To the trees of An Tir, it is no time at all, barely enough to grow from a sapling. To the rocks of An Tir, it is a moment, not enough to mention. To the people of An Tir, those who make up the actual Kingdom, it is all the time we have known to this moment, it is forever.
Let me tell you a story, perhaps?
Back in the mists of time, when An Tir was a new principality and part of the West Kingdom, we found we had a problem.
It took a knight to make a knight, a rule we have followed from our first event…but there were but few knights this far North, away from the comfort of the West, in the forests and mountains. If you have no knights, you cannot make more knights, no matter the strength of arm or purity of heart.
So, to facilitate this process, the concept was raised, to test squires (and non-squires) in all the traits of a true and proper knight, in their home barony – then they could simply connect with a few knights, at a war or major event to the South, prove their worth upon the field, and could be knighted, knowing that they excelled in dance, in history, in courtesy, and in all the other knightly virtues which could not be tested upon the list field.
Thus was born the role of the Sergeant, a rank tested for (indeed, the only one the SCA has ever had which you test for), a system for generating well-rounded individuals in our society.
In the fullness of time, when knights became thicker upon the ground, it was realized that the role had become obsolete, as they no longer needed to test where a knight was not able to see them. Then an interesting thing occurred – the Sergeants wanted to keep going, to keep testing, even though it was no longer a precondition to knighthood. It became an honour of itself, a way to show you had accomplished something fine on your own. As archers, rapier fighters, and riders all added their tests to the role, to create Yeomen, Gallants, and Lancers, it became a source of pride to each barony to have a fine corps of Sergeants at the Baroness’s side, to support, teach, and lead. Finally, the Courtier’s role appeared, to support those whose interests lay outside the martial aspects of the Society. In Lions Gate, these good gentles report to the Baron, and not the Baroness.
This year marks the fortieth year of the first trials of the Sergeantry, held in Madrone in AS13, being 1978 in the mundane calendar. In celebration of this, Lions Gate invites all those who were her Sergeants, Yeomen, or Gallants, and who remain in the order, or left it in good standing, to attend Baroness Caitrina, and stand with her once more at a Trials, held this year on September 14th to 16th, at the Albion Fairgrounds.
Come and witness as the first applicants for Forester test their mettle, as Lancers charge, as Yeomen shoot, as Gallants test their metal (and mettle), and as the newest Sergeants of Lions Gate process through their tests for the three days.
The site fee is $25.00 for the weekend, with a five dollar discount for members, and we look forward to seeing you there!
Please remember: The site is non-smoking, and a dry site!