Tir Righ Febuary Investiture in Lions Gate
Bold Tir Righ,
The Winds of Change blow cold across our Stormy Principality, and while we celebrate the shining reign of Hurricane Prince Kheron and Tempest Princess Kenna, we must also prepare for the twilight of Their Brilliance.
The rain-drenched Barony of Lions Gate invites you to take shelter (indoors where it is warm!) and witness the ascension of the next Storm Prince and Princess, February 15th, 2020, AS 54
See the passing of the mantle of the Scar of Tir Righ and see who after long battle will earn the right to stand as Rapier Champion of Tir Righ.
Site fees as per Tir Righ Financial Policy
$30 for adults, $5 members discount.
Youth 18 and under free.
$5 Senior/ Student discount with valid ID.
Schedule and additional information – note this may change to fit the needs of their majesties, highness and heirs
Rooms: Caledonian Hall (main floor)
Stage area
Celtic Room
Caberfeidh Room Ready room for royals
Library, ground floor
Caledonian Hall (main floor)
9:00 AM Set up
9:30 Gate opens
9:30 AM Pelican Meeting
10:15 AM – 10:45 AM OGGS Meeting
Caledonian Hall (main floor)
10 AM Lists open for rapier
11:00 AM Principality Court
Invocation of Rapier lists
12:00 Lists close for Rapier prior to Invocation
12:30 Rapier championship
Stage area
1 PM Vigil starts for HL Tatiana Alexievna
1615 Vigil ends for HL Tatiana Alexievna
Caledonian Hall (main floor)
2:30 Rapier Championship ends
3:00 pm Youth Rapier
Celtic Room
2:45 Laurel Meeting
3:30 PM MOD meeting
16:15 COV Meeting
Vigil ends
Caledonian Hall (main floor)
4:15 PM TUTR Administration Meeting
5:00 PM Potluck finger food some before and some after court
Library, ground floor
5:00 Finance meeting
5:45 Curia meeting
Caledonian Hall (main floor)
7:00 Court
After court Revels
Celtic Room
After Court Chivalry Meeting
Bold Tir Righ, The Winds of Change blow cold across our Stormy Principality, and while we celebrate the shining reign of Hurricane Prince Kheron and Tempest Princess Kenna, we must also prepare for the twilight of Their Brilliance. The rain-drenched Barony of Lions Gate invites you to take shelter (…
Note this is a one day event
Special Occasion License, no outside Alcohol
No pets, service animals only
Event Steward contact
This event is held and managed by the Barony of Lions Gate, a branch of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. and is considered the official presence of this group here. Questions regarding its content should be directed to the event steward morweenaSCA@gmail.com or to socialmedia@antir.org. Any discrepancies between the electronic version or any information and the printed version that is available from the originating office will be decided in favor of the printed version.”