Tir Righ November Coronet
BEHOLD! A Schedule!
November Coronet SCHEDULE
6:00pm – Event set-up – Anyone is welcome to join and help set up the event so AM is not so hectic.
7:30-9:00pm – Open get-together, post set-up hang-out. Potluck goodies. Bring snacks to share. No Garb necessary.
8:30 – Site open for Site & Merchant’s set up
9:00 – GATE OPEN
– Archery & Thrown Weapons range set up
10:00 – PROVOST TOURNEY (in the Erics)
– Archery & Thrown Weapons Ranges Open (NE Field & South Show ring)
– CLASSES BEGIN (See class schedule in site handout, North Building)
– Vigils Begin (pavilions outside by parking)
10:30-11:30 – ALL LISTS OPEN for check in (must PRE-REG for Coronet & Archery Champs)
11am–1pm – $$ Lunch available at the kitchen until we run out food…- (Fundraiser for the Lionsdale Community Practice. Menu TBD)
11:30 – OPENING COURT & PROCESSIONALS (Both Archery & Coronet, in the Erics)
12:00 – ARCHERY CHAMPIONSHIP (in the open NE field under Principality Pavilion)
– “Atheneum North” meeting
1:30 – Armour Inspections (Erics)
5:00 – Classes End
– Court Set up
– Dinner Time!!
– “Shave Viscount Sir Olen’s Dome” (Annual MO-vember fundraiser) (in the Erics)
5:00-6:30 – $$ Dinner available at the kitchen until we run out of food… – (Fundraiser for the Lionsdale Community Practice. Menu TBD)
6:30 – COURT (Principality & Kingdom, North Building)
(Bring a lunch)
9:00 – Site re-opens
9:30 – Squires Tourney Inspections Begin
10:00 – Squire Tourney
– Rapier & Cut & Thrust Open Practice
– Archery/Thrown Weapons Range Open
– Classes Begin
ALL THING SUPER PRACTICE!! – The site is open for Rapier, Heavy, C&T, Archery, Thrown Weapons, Classes, Dancing etc…
3:00 – Event Ends… PLEASE HELP CLEAN / PACK UP!
4:00 – Site Closes
Event Registration Fees
Adults: for adults, $25
$5 discount for members
Children: free (18 and under)
camping is available on site
This event is held and managed by Shire of Lionsdale, a branch of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. and is considered the official presence of this group here. Questions regarding its content should be directed to Lionsdale.Seneschal@tirrigh.org or to Songstress1973@gmail.com . Any discrepancies between the electronic version or any information and the printed version that is available from the originating office will be decided in favour of the printed version.
��Although the SCA complies with all applicable laws to ensure the health and safety of our event participants, we cannot eliminate the risk of exposure to infectious diseases during in-person events. By participating in the in-person events of the SCA, you acknowledge and accept the potential risks. You agree to take any additional steps to protect your own health and safety and those under your control as you believe to be necessary��