Lions Den V – “Finding your Footing” Exploring the intersection of persona, skillset, and A&S as a newcomer to the SCA.

Join Nereügei as he talks about the impact of people and place through his A&S journey.

Please note that, by participating, you are agreeing to be recorded and grant permission to have the recording posted to SCA Social Media Channels.

Lions Den VI – Bizarre Art and Naughty Marginalia

Join Pani Jadwiga Radomyskowa from the Thornwold Scriptorium as they teach us about marginalia!

Marginalia is one of the most recognizable features of medieval
manuscripts, and it ranges from the symbolic to the downright
bizarre. We will be looking at marginalia that is a little twisted,
a little weird and naughty. We will discuss why these images
were placed in beautiful manuscripts and even in holy books! We will cover Awful Art, Snails and Satire, and work that is Not Safe for the Current Middle Ages!
This presentation will feature art of people and creatures in
compromising poses, interactions and states of dress, so may
not be appropriate for children.

Please note that, by participating, you are agreeing to be recorded and grant permission to have the recording posted to SCA Social Media Channels.

This is just in time for Christmas card season!

Lions Den Episode X – Tablet weaving: Tricks and Tips, with Dame Morwenna goch Bengrych

Tablet weaving: Tricks and Tips, with Dame Morwenna goch Bengrych

How do I get smooth edges? How can I keep track of my pattern steps? Why is my band UPSIDE DOWN? In this one hour class I will share my tips and tricks for smooth edges, how not to loose your spot and deciphering patterns from different sources that always seem so confusing This is not a “how to” class nor is it for the advanced weaver, it is tips to get beyond beginner

Please note that, by participating, you are agreeing to be recorded and grant permission to have the recording posted to SCA Social Media Channels.

Lions Den Episode XI – The Skraeling Saga: Pre Columbian Indigenous Persona and how to make them, with Moon Hides the Sun.

The Skraeling Saga: Pre Columbian Indigenous Persona and how to make them, with Moon Hides the Sun.

How to navigate the archaeology, language barrier, and racism that it takes to create an Indigenous Persona in a Western European dominated hobby.

Please note that, by participating, you are agreeing to be recorded and grant permission to have the recording posted to SCA Social Media Channels.

Lions Den Episode XII – “See Something, Do Something” for Bystander Intervention Training – with Her Excellency Genevieve Choue

“See Something, Do Something” for Bystander Intervention Training – with Her Excellency Genevieve Choue

All too often, when unchivalric behaviors happen, there are people in a position to interrupt the behavior, provide education about the offensive behavior and/or be a support for the person who was the target of the behavior. Join me in taking steps to make our Society a better place with empowerment and tools to address behaviors that do not reflect our values.

Please note that, by participating, you are agreeing to be recorded and grant permission to have the recording posted to SCA Social Media Channels.

Lions Den Episode XIII – Documentation isn’t scary: Dispelling myths about documentation your A&S

Documentation isn’t scary: Dispelling myths about documentation your A&S with Mistress Laerðimoðir Sigriðis “GALA” Eiriksdotti.

The myths about what many THINK Laurels &/or Judges are looking for in good documentation VERSES what we are ACTUALLY looking for are not nearly are daunting as you may think. In this lecture class we will cover topics of:
1. What is required in your documentation?
2. What makes good/bad documentation?
3. How do I document the un-documentable?
4. Where do I begin documenting my project?
5. I’m not good at writing/formatting/typing. What do I do? There will be examples shown and there will be time given for questions during and after.

Please note that, by participating, you are agreeing to be recorded and grant permission to have the recording posted to SCA Social Media Channels.

Lions Den XV – Skirret, Sparrows, and Skinks : Period Potions for Lust? with VIscount Seamus O’Caellaigh

A survey of period “love potions”, treatments for lust, and wacky aphrodisiacs. Some of the weirdest ingredients and mixtures were used within period to both increase lust, smother lust, and/or “make” someone love you. This lecture will cover period “potions” across the SCA time period and places. Come prepared to laugh!

Lions Den Episode XVII – Bardic for Beginners with Lady Aoife Ruadh ingen ui Cnaimsighe

This is a talk about the ins and outside of the various Bardic avenues in our organization. The goal is to demystify the Bardic realm so more people will get excited about participating.

This event is held and managed by Barony of Lions Gate, a branch of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. and is considered the official presence of this group here. Questions regarding its content should be directed to or to Any discrepancies between the electronic version or any information and the printed version that is available from the originating office will be decided in favour of the printed version.

Please note that, by participating, you are agreeing to be
videotaped and granting permission to have the video posted to SCA Social Media Channels.

Lions Den – Barony of Lions Gate: History and Perspectives

Founded in AS XI, the barony of Lions Gate was an important part of An Tir’s growth from a distant, barbaric principality of the West to the independent kingdom that it is now.

For 26 years Gerhard and Amanda Kendal led us with wisdom and whimsy through trials and triumphs, and their legacy has been carried on by 10 more barons and baronesses who followed.

Join us as we look back through the eyes of some of those who have worn the baronial coronet at our storied past and sunny future, and enjoy a night of recollection and ruminations on the history of this place and its prominent citizens.

Baroness Caitrin ni Cingeadh, OP
Baron Griffin ap Bedwyr, KSCA
Baroness Margaret Hamilton of Stirlingshire, OP
Baron James Wolfden, OP
Baroness Caitrina inghean Aindriasa, OP
Baron Uilliam mac Fearchair mhic Gille Aindrias, OP
Baroness Arianna Freemont of the Clan MacBeign, OP
Baron Cyneric Beresone, KSCA, OP

This event is held and managed by Barony of Lions Gate, a branch of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. and is considered the official presence of this group here. Questions regarding its content should be directed to or to Any discrepancies between the electronic version or any information and the printed version that is available from the originating office will be decided in favour of the printed version.

Please note that, by participating, you are agreeing to be
videotaped and granting permission to have the video posted to SCA Social Media Channels.

Lions Den 21: On Equipping and Armouring New Fighters

Discussions on Equipping and Armouring New Fighters.


Representing Veteran Fighter and Armourers:
HG Sir Ieuan
Viscount Sir Olen
Sir Rauokinn
Sir Argyle

Representing new fighters,
Astrid of Girlsquad
Ysabell de Cunningham
This event is held and managed by Barony of Lions Gate, a branch of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. and is considered the official presence of this group here. Questions regarding its content should be directed to or to Any discrepancies between the electronic version or any information and the printed version that is available from the originating office will be decided in favour of the printed version.

Please note that, by participating, you are agreeing to be
videotaped and granting permission to have the video posted to SCA Social Media Channels.